The most comprehensive survey of Polish history available in English; God's Playground demonstrates Poland's importance in European history from medieval times to the present. Abandoning the traditional nationalist approach to Polish history; Norman Davies instead stresses the country's rich multinational heritage and places the development of the Jewish German; Ukrainian; and Lithuanian communities firmly within the Polish context.Davies emphasizes the cultural history of Poland through a presentation of extensive poetical; literary; and documentary texts in English translation. In each volume; chronological chapters of political narrative are interspersed with essays on religious; social; economic; constitutional; philosophical; and diplomatic themes. This new edition has been revised and fully updated with two new chapters to bring the story to the end of the twentieth century.
#603584 in Books 1998-03-15Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.99 x .85 x 5.96l; 1.25 #File Name: 0231108419409 pages