Our Gang provides a fascinating historical portrait of the Jewish criminal world from the era of mass immigration through Prohibition and beyond. Jenna Weissman Joselit traces the origins; nature; patterns; location; and impact of Jewish crime from the early years; when it was inextricably bound up with the East Side community as a whole; with criminals living among the more or less law-abiding citizens they preyed upon; to the post-World War I period and the gradual assimilation and absorption of Jewish crime into the mainstream of the American underworld.Parallel with this theme is a broader one: the New York Jewish community's reaction to Jewish crime; evolving from disbelief to denial to concern and the establishment of a network of correctional and preventive agencies; and finally―as the nature of Jewish crime changed; and as the community itself felt a growing sense of security―a sort of acceptance.
#1424123 in Books Howard Tinberg 2014-01-01 2013-12-12Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.02 x .36 x 5.98l; .52 #File Name: 0253011337154 pagesTeaching Learning and the Holocaust